One of our core values is Growth, and we know that providing opportunities whenever we can will lead to a metamorphosis in every child. In…
We are delighted to be starting our Music Therapy course this year and all our pupils have commenced with assessments. Music therapy is a means…
During the Covid-19 pandemic we created partnerships that strengthened networks and collaborations. Sharing Music 4 Change” is a new collaboration between KMA and 3 other…
Since June we have been teaching online, but there is just nothing like having the real thing. We are super proud of our pupils for…
Our friends form Thought.Africa brought a new gadget for our pupils in August. A “Makey-Makey” is an invention kit designed to connect everyday objects to…
In 4 days’ time it will be 4 months ago that South Africa entered its Covid19 Lockdown. There is nothing Kronendal Music Academy does better…
COVID19 UPDATE: Our first ever online performance! This Mandela Day, 18 July 2020, KMA performed its first live streaming concert for patrons who pledged a…
On June 16 we celebrated Youth Day with Thought.Africa by giving every one of our pupils a new EduCare pack – and did you know…
Our pupils are struggling in their communities to find outlets for their frustrations and someone to talk to about their worries. Parents are finding things…
We have taken things up a notch by bringing our teaching back to the KMA house! With Covid19 protocols in place, in May 2020 we…